Accelerated Christian Education Canada

School Services


When you choose A.C.E., you get more than an organization that just sells curriculum. You get a Christian team of professionals who are committed to supporting all your educational needs! The sections below describe some of the ways A.C.E. can assist you and your educational ministry. 

Staff Training

Training is essential to the success of your organization’s educational ministry. A.C.E. offers ongoing training sessions specifically designed for administrators, supervisors, and professional Learning Center staff. Educational insights provide attendees an opportunity to learn and update their professional skills and exchange ideas with A.C.E. staff.

aceconnect® School Management

School records reflect on the professionalism of your school. The aceconnect School Management program automates laborious paperwork to assist in the efficiency of accurate, current, complete, and neat record keeping.


The most essential and reliable way to place any child in the educational process is the free aceconnect Diagnostic Test. Also, standardized testing allows a student’s academic progress to be assessed from year to year. Take advantage of the aceconnect Diagnostic Test and the standardized testing materials recommended by A.C.E.

Student Programs

Student programs give students opportunities to build character and learn leadership skills outside the learning center. From participating in international competitions to serving others in foreign countries, these programs offer students the opportunity to gain skills, become leaders, and help meet real needs.

On-site School Visits

Ministry Representatives reach out to schools to develop a relationship with pastors and staff. Scheduled school visits afford time for questions, advice, and a greater knowledge of the A.C.E. program.

Have questions? Email  or call 1-800-976-7226.

Learning Center Setup

A.C.E. curriculum is intentionally implemented in a unique individualized manner. After students have been diagnosed and placed in the curriculum at their performance levels, they are assigned study carrels located around the perimeter of a classroom called a Learning Center. These study carrels form an integral part of the A.C.E. experience and are referred to as student "offices."


Already have a school? We can help!

We can offer you curriculum with Canadian content in Math and Social Studies. We offer a discounted price on our curriculum and resources. We can advise on how to operate your school more economically. We offer encouragement and practical ideas through our professional development day every September.


School Start Info Request Form

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Contact Person*:

Check all areas that apply:
  Full Information Package on "Starting a School"
  Information on Home Schooling

  Information on our Kindergarten Program
  Call from a Ministry Rep.

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Website built and designed by Brandon Blume